Peer-to-Peer Campaign
Peer-to-Peer Campaign: No Bowl Garden Bowl

Money Raised: $7,652.20  Campaign Goal: $10,000.00


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Amy Klein

  Raised: $914.33
  Goal: $1,500.00

Lauren is Fundraising for Capital Roots No Bowl Garden Bowl!!

  Raised: $674.45
  Goal: $500.00

Jennifer Malatras

  Raised: $668.80
  Goal: $1,000.00

Ellen Tucker-Cohen

  Raised: $668.28
  Goal: $1,000.00

John Millet

  Raised: $515.24
  Goal: N/A

Sean Wyse

  Raised: $324.05
  Goal: $250.00

Kimberly Hickok's Capital Roots Fundraising Page

  Raised: $310.00
  Goal: $500.00

Bouchey & Clarke Benefits - No Bowl Garden Bowl Fundraising Page

  Raised: $256.98
  Goal: $1,000.00

Community Resource Federal Credit Union

  Raised: $256.98
  Goal: $1,000.00

Kimberlee Caperna

  Raised: $256.20
  Goal: $220.00

Mike DellaRocco

  Raised: $129.26
  Goal: $250.00

Ken Crandall

  Raised: $0.00
  Goal: N/A

Erika Groff

  Raised: $0.00
  Goal: N/A

Dee Rogers

  Raised: $0.00
  Goal: N/A

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